Monday, February 15, 2016

Love at First Slice

Yesterday was Valentine's Day and I hope everyone had an amazing time with someone they love! I think Valentine's Day is an adorable holiday and always tons of fun to celebrate. So every year I wonder, why do so many people hate it?

I don't understand those who feel that Valentine's Day is designed to pressure us into spending unnecessary money and to make single people feel horrible. Am I crazy for thinking it doesn't have to be that way?? Yes, we should still show our love year-round, but why can't we also have one day a year to specifically celebrate love? What kind of a Scrooge hates a day for love? There shouldn't be any pressure to spend money (make a card, cook dinner, spend time together for free, etc.) and even if there is, how hard is it to buy something small for someone you love? I also don't understand why singles make such a fuss about feeling left out. Who says you can only celebrate if you're in a relationship? Have dinner with your siblings. Buy your mom some flowers. Have Galentines drinks with your girlfriends. Just celebrate with someone you care about!

Anyway, if you're still reading this post and my weird Valentine's rant hasn't scared you off, I wanted to share a little bit of what our night looked like. Last year, James and I made our own pizzas together and we decided to continue our new tradition again this year. If you've never made your own pizzas, I highly recommend it! It's a ton of fun and quite a bit easier than you might think. Our pizzas turned out DELICIOUS and I already can't wait to make them again. As if pizza and champagne weren't indulgent enough, we topped it off with cupcakes too. Totally worth it.


Chicken Alfredo Pizza:
Alfredo Sauce + Chicken + Spinach + Pesto + Mozzarella + Feta

Sausage & Pepperoni Pizza:
Hot Sausage + Pepperoni + Tomato Sauce + Mozzarella + Feta

- XOXO -

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