Thursday, December 24, 2015

Brown Paper Packages Tied Up with String: A Peek Under Our Tree

Merry Christmas Eve! I honestly can't believe tomorrow is Christmas because it's sunny and 80 degrees outside right now! I actually wore a tank top and flip flops to the store yesterday, can you believe it? I guess that's typical Florida weather for you. So although it may not feel like Christmas outside, I've done my best to make our little apartment feel as cozy and festive as possible. Of all the decorations, I think what I love most is our tree (a little too large and stuffed into the corner, oops!) and all of our pretty gifts underneath. I love using brown craft paper to wrap gifts and I think this year we did a great job of making each package look fun and colorful, despite the plain brown paper. Here's a peek of what's under our tree:

You may have noticed that some of the gifts appear a little squashed or crinkled... here's why:

Bella LOVES sleeping on the gifts! I've tried to keep her away but it's truly impossible. Every time I turn around she's curled up on a different box. The downside: quite a few of the packages are squished now. The upside: it's ridiculously adorable. Just look at her! Totally worth it.

I also thought I would include some pictures of how I dressed up some "plain" gifts last year. I bought gift cards for all three of my brothers and a six pack of beer for my grandfather and wondered how the heck I would wrap them and make them look fun (and I know we've all been there with gift cards. We know the person will like it, but how boring does it feel to just give a gift card??). Here's what I did:

Hide the gift card in a jar of candy! It looks much nicer than sticking it in a card. Plus, because it was hidden, my brothers all thought for a second they were just getting a jar of candy. Hilarious.

Turn regular beer into REINbeer! This is one of my favorite Christmas crafts because it's so cheap, easy, and adorable. You could even add to what I did by putting a jingle bell on a string/ribbon and tying it around the neck of each bottle. I know it's a little late now, but you should definitely use this idea for any holiday party you're going to! It's a big hit.

I hope you enjoyed some of our gift wrapping/decorating ideas. Let me know what your favorites are and share with me some of the fun ways you decorate your gifts!
Happy Holidays & Merry Christmas!

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