Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Fall Decor

Fall is finally here! In Florida, the summer heat can sometimes linger until late November, which usually makes all the best fall moments and activities hard to enjoy. I mean, who wants to sit outside and carve a wilting pumpkin in 90 degree heat? Yuck. BUT, it's currently cool and beautiful outside and I'm sitting with all the windows open and a pumpkin scented candle burning. True bliss. 

I've been a bit busier now that I'm back at work, but I wanted to take a second to post some of our fall decor! Unfortunately, in a small apartment we don't have the space/storage for tons of seasonal decorations. Nor do we have the money to switch out curtains, pillows, rugs, etc for every season and holiday. Still, I was surprised to see what a big difference a few small items could make!

Glitter pumpkin: Kmart $4
Pumpkin Peppercorn Candle: Ross $6

Dish Towels: Kmart $4

Oven Mitt & Potholder: Walmart $3

Wreath: TJ Maxx $20

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