Thursday, May 17, 2018

Easy DIY Mixed Planters

Say hello to our new home, sweet home! Yep, that's right... our new house is finally finished and we're all moved in! Well, almost. Does unpacking ever really end? And decorating? Now that's a whole separate animal. I'm slowly working my way room by room and trying to remind myself that every inch of our house doesn't need to be (and quite frankly CAN'T be) decorated immediately. It's so hard to resist. To help with this process I've been focusing on the areas in the house that we use the most (kitchen, living room, etc), but I couldn't neglect the one spot that I knew everyone would see first when they came to visit - our front door! While our yard has been fully landscaped and looks great, our entryway was looking a little bare in comparison. It's not a large space, but by simply adding a doormat and throwing together some mixed planters, it looks much more cozy and inviting. Making our own planters was super easy and I love how they turned out. If you're considering making your own, here are a few tips:
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