Friday, October 20, 2017

My Favorite Fall Treat: Pumpkin Roll

I'm so excited to share this recipe with you guys because it's been one of my favorite holiday desserts for years. My Nanny has made pumpkin roll every Thanksgiving and Christmas for as long as I can remember, and every year I can't get enough! It's SO good! Plus, now that I've started making it myself, I can happily tell you that this recipe is super easy. Trust me on this: if I can make it, you can too. Pumpkin roll is the perfect treat for fall and will definitely be a huge hit at any party or get-together. Just don't forget to make an extra roll to keep all to yourself!

Friday, October 6, 2017

Date Night with Tacos & Tequila

Thank goodness it's Friday!! I'm currently running off of very little sleep and quite a lot of coffee thanks to the craziness of this week, and I still have to make it through a laryngectomy conference today before I can finally relax and enjoy the weekend. I'm so close! Anyway, in my tiny moment of spare time I thought I'd share a quick post with you guys about what I wore last Saturday for date night. James & I went to The Flying Iguana in Neptune Beach and enjoyed the BEST tacos and drinks. We love it there! As far as my outfit, if you haven't already noticed I'm definitely a jeans and t-shirt kind of girl, but I thought I'd dress it up slightly with heels and a neckline detail. 

Friday, September 29, 2017

Looks I Love: Fall Fashion Trends

Although it might not feel like it in Florida, fall is officially here! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the weather will begin to change soon, so I can enjoy hot pumpkin spice lattes and attending football games without burning to a crisp. But, in the meantime I wanted to share some of my favorite fall trends with you guys. I might not be able to wear some of them yet, but hopefully you can!

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

My Favorite Instagram Accounts

Surprise surprise, I haven't been too active with my posts lately. Whoops! Am I the worst blogger ever? Possibly. But oh well. I'm in the middle of summer finals right now so things are a bit crazy, but after Thursday I'll be enjoying 3 wonderful weeks off. HOORAY! In the meantime, I thought I would share some of my favorite bloggers & Instagram accounts with you guys. These bloggers are all so lovely and their posts are always the prettiest AND most inspiring. They make my eyes and heart happy when scrolling through my Instagram. Check them out!

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

A Weekend in Asheville, NC

This weekend we celebrated our one year anniversary in Asheville, NC. While our trip may have been short, we had the best time eating, drinking, and exploring our way through this colorful, hip city. With art on every corner, murals on every wall, and gorgeous mountain views everywhere you turn, Asheville definitely takes sight-seeing to a whole new level. We could have easily spent our entire weekend just snapping pictures of street art and visiting all the studios in the River Arts District. Asheville is also known for it's awesome culinary scene, which some call Foodtopia. The city is full of local dive bars, killer food trucks, and several award winning restaurants. And of course, let's not forget the beer! Named Beer City in 2009, Asheville has more breweries per capita than anywhere else in the United States. Beer, art, and mountain views? It's like this city was made for us.

Sunday, May 7, 2017

One Year

Today is our anniversary. It marks one year of marriage to my best friend. It marks a year filled with silly jokes, random adventures, tons of made-up songs about Bella, road trips, burrito cuddles, living room dances, new friends, late nights, car karaoke sessions, and multiple attempts at mixing the perfect moscow mule. More importantly, it marks a year filled with more love and support than I ever could have imagined.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Apartment Living: Bringing Farmhouse Style to Small Spaces

Since we moved into our apartment, it's been my goal to make it feel as warm and cozy as possible. Although we only plan to spend a few years here before (hopefully) purchasing our first home, I've always felt it should still look and feel like a "home" in the meantime. Just because we aren't living in our awesome spacious farmhouse yet (let me dream my dreams, ok), doesn't mean our little apartment can't feel like one! Today I'm giving you a peek into our living room and showing you how I made the most of this little space. You'll see that I love neural colors (white & wood are the BEST together) and botanical accents. Other than our chair and entertainment center, nothing was over $100! Decorating does not have to be expensive!

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Looks I Love: Wedding Guest Dresses for Spring

Spring is here and wedding season is in full swing! My little brother is getting married this June, so I'm currently on the hunt for the perfect dress. I know "florals for spring" isn't ground-breaking news in the fashion world (thank you, Miranda Priestly), but I can't deny my love for bright pops of color and fun, floral prints this time of year. Cold shoulders and ruffled sleeves are trending, and I can't get enough of these looks either. Here are ten of my favorite dresses at the moment, that incorporate these spring styles I'm loving and are sure to make you the most fabulous guest at any upcoming wedding:

Sunday, March 26, 2017

5 Face Masks I Love

When spending a night in, there is no better way to relax than by pouring yourself a glass of wine, lathering on a good face mask, and kicking back in a giant bubble bath. Your heart is happy, your skin is happy, and you basically feel like a goddess. What's not to love? If you're in need of a mini-spa night like this, but are lacking a decent face mask, here are some of my favorites:

Thursday, March 23, 2017

A Day in Historic Fernandina Beach, FL

Spring Break 2017 is here! While I'm loving having the entire week off, I definitely wish the rest of my family & friends could enjoy it with me. I have to admit, I feel guilty lounging around and tanning by the pool while everyone else is busy at work. Just a tiny bit guilty. A teeny tiny bit. Ok, so I don't really feel that guilty, but hey, I've earned it! Who said going back to school didn't have its perks?

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Hello Again!

I'm baaaaack! Has it really been six months? I can't believe it! As I mentioned in my last post (way back in September, yikes!) I started grad school, so I've been busy focusing on my classes, clinicals, and volunteer events around town. But the good news is, I'm LOVING it. I love what I'm doing, I love what I'm learning, and I love that I'm helping others and making a positive impact on their lives. It's the BEST.
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