Sunday, January 24, 2016

What I Wore: A Snowy Night Out

Yesterday, it was so cold that we experienced quite the sight... snow in Florida!! Okay, so maybe it was just a few small flurries, but it was exciting nonetheless! However, while getting ready to meet friends for dinner and drinks, James and I found ourselves digging out the warmest things we owned and packing on the layers. I would have preferred to travel out in a giant snuggie, but instead I settled on my thickest sweater, scarf, and coat to handle the flurries (and maybe 3 pairs of socks under my boots, who's counting?). What a true Floridan.

Friday, January 22, 2016

7 Skincare Favorites

As much as I love all the latest and greatest makeup products, I'm a firm believer that looking fabulous should start with a great skincare routine. However, I know this is often easier said than done. We all have unique skin types and trying to decide between thousands of products can be exhausting. Where do we start? What will work best for us? Personally, I've struggled with my skin since I was 15 years old. With large pores, an oily t-zone, and skin that's prone to scarring, it's taken me years of trial and error to find products that work best for me. So even though I'm always on the hunt for new items, I thought I would take a minute to share some of my favorites I've discovered (and stuck with) over the years.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Weekend Exploring: Eco Relics

Last Sunday, I visited Eco Relics for the first time and basically fell in love. The giant warehouse is full of everything from old furniture and antiques to lumber and tools. I came across things like old traffic lights, record players, creepy dolls, pianos, vintage jewelry, windows and doors, hardware, countertops, and even toilets and bath tubs. It was amazing! I'm already planning on going back for a window to purchase and decorate with. I'm also dreaming about some of the chandeliers they had, but sadly I have nowhere to hang one.
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