Friday, November 27, 2015

What I Wore: A Casual Thanksgiving

Happy Black Friday, everyone! I'm currently still in my pjs and sipping coffee on the couch while James cooks breakfast (you'd think we'd still be stuffed after yesterday, but nope!) and this is exciting news because it's the first Black Friday in about 8 years that I'm not working at all! I no longer work in retail and it feels amazing to be relaxing after Thanksgiving instead of dealing with the madness in the mall. Good luck to all my retail workers out there! You're awesome so don't let any crazy shoppers bring you down :)


Friday, November 13, 2015

In Our Kitchen: Taco Soup & Banana Bread

Quick and simple recipes are the BEST. With a busy life and a small apartment kitchen, I don't really have the time or space to test out my Food Network skills. Last night, I made an easy taco soup recipe for the first time and it was amazing! I used ingredients that I knew my picky-eater fiance would be ok with (he loved it!), but you can find tons of other variations of this on Pinterest. 

Sunday, November 8, 2015

What I Wore: Drinks & Date Night

Last night, James and I had a lovely evening out to celebrate 6 years and 5 months of dating AND the fact that our wedding is officially 6 months away! So exciting! We started with drinks at one of my favorite places, the rooftop bar of Black Sheep and then enjoyed a tasty dinner (and some more drinks of course) at Hawkers. I love date nights :)
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